Adverse Events Associated with Scleral Lens Wear Proceedings of the International Forum on Scleral Lens Research

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Muriel Schornack


Although the original description of scleral lenses fabricated from rigid gas permeable materials was published in 1983,1 the benefits of scleral lenses used to treat corneal irregularity and severe ocular surface disease were not immediately recognized by the eye care community at large. However, the past decade has witnessed an explosion of interest in scleral lenses.


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How to Cite
Schornack M. Adverse Events Associated with Scleral Lens Wear: Proceedings of the International Forum on Scleral Lens Research. JCLRS [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(SP1):e13-e17. Available from:
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