Wavefront-Guided Contact Lens Corrections – Increasing Choice for the Individual with Keratoconus Proceedings of the International Forum on Scleral Lens Research

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Jason Marsack
Raymond Applegate


If one were to ask an individual with keratoconus what need they hope to meet with an optical correction, the response would be as varied as the number of individuals diagnosed with the disease. Keratoconus impacts individual patients in myriad ways, and different aspects (or dimensions) of the correction are important to each individual patient. From our work in the laboratory, several recurring, and at times competing, dimensions have come to the forefront. For example, visual and optical performance may be of the utmost importance for one patient, while comfort and an ability to wear the lenses for the majority of waking hours may be paramount for another. Given that no single correction can meet the needs of every individual with keratoconus (just as no single correction can meet the needs of the typical population) a pressing need in regards to optical correction for the individual with keratoconus can be summarized in two words: increased choice.


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How to Cite
Marsack J, Applegate R. Wavefront-Guided Contact Lens Corrections – Increasing Choice for the Individual with Keratoconus: Proceedings of the International Forum on Scleral Lens Research. JCLRS [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(SP1):e7-e10. Available from: https://jclrs.org/index.php/JCLRS/article/view/29
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